Copyright 2010 Nancy Baumiller All Rights Reserved (You may NOT copy, download or print for any reason without permission)
Another new art journal!! I have like 3 or 4 going on now...this one is specifically for the
Art-Journal-Caravan A Journey in Discovery....my journal will also be used in the future for something very fun! Hint: class hee hee...Ahhhhh gave it away! Good clue though right? LOL
My one word for the year is "Determination"...a word that covers many things for me. It was the one word that popped in my head when AJC asked us to pick one word to concentrate on for the year. For one, it covers my determination to get things done...to keep going...not give up...finish what I start....etc etc. I think you get the picture!
Image Credits for this page go to....Tangie Baxter...Cemerony...Angellea...JadesFunkiJunk and some images from Flickrs Collage Images group...sorry the list of names I had saved for credits to those disappeared with all the other info that accidently got cleaned off my computer! Eeegads! And also images from a collage sheet that I WAS going to list on Etsy...sadly it is gone too. No worries! I can make a new one! ;O) AND SAVE IT TO MY EXTERNAL HARDDRIVE! LOL
I want to thank everyone who has stopped by with their good wishes and thoughts for my info that was lost on my computer. Thank you so much...your words mean so much to me! Thank you for some of the giggles too! hee hee

Copyright 2010 Nancy Baumiller All Rights Reserved (You may NOT copy, download or print for any reason without permission)
Another page created for AJC....Images from Tangie Baxter...Teesha Moore...TumbleFishStudio...Flickr Collage Images Group and a few of my own, a few altered magazine images....and that funky person on the right side of the page, is also my own....I don't really know where I pulled that out of my imagination! LOL But I like him anyways! You know how if you stare at a pattern for awhile you start to see faces...etc....ok maybe or maybe not...but it happens to me alot and thats where that funky person came from. ;O)

Copyright 2010 Nancy Baumiller All Rights Reserved (You may NOT copy, download or print for any reason without permission)
Here we are looking at the tall skinny piece with the yellow background and the gal in blue. This is in the center of where the pages of the journal fold on either side of the black and white striped border.
Image credits go to....Anahata....JadesFunkiJunk...BeckyF and a scrap from a book I have for the body. The striped border is by me.

Copyright 2010 Nancy Baumiller All Rights Reserved (You may NOT copy, download or print for any reason without permission)
Just kind of a silly page I decided to do, where I drew and painted my own little creatures!
Other image credits....Tangie Baxter...Teesha Moore...TumbleFishStudio

Copyright 2010 Nancy Baumiller All Rights Reserved (You may NOT copy, download or print for any reason without permission)
Another tall skinny part of the art journal.
Image Credits: JadesFunkiJunk, scraps from a book I have and some of my own personal imagery.

One last page before I go....I have tons more pages to show you but this post is getting reallllllllly long! So I will save them for another time!
This is a background in my art journal, I have sinced collaged on it, I will show that another time too!
But I thought it would be nice to share!!! You may download and print it out...you can use it for a background or cut it up for borders...I don't care...as long as it is used in your art...art journal...and not used for collection on a cd or collage sheet for sale. Hope you enjoy playing with the background!
Ok I am off to go sort through some paper for a class taught by
Mary_Ann_Moss "Remains of the Day"!!! Oh! I cannot wait! I have yet to pay for the class....because I am still gathering materials and also need to order a special foot for my sewing machine. I just want to have all my ducks in a row before I go for it~! hehehe Off to play!!
Much love and hugs!