If you have not met and visited Alberta! A must is in order! She has the most beautiful personality, gorgeous art and so very inspiring!! She is amazing!
Now I will pass this on to 5 people who's blog makes me smile!!
That is another toughie...but to make it fair...I think this time I will pass it on to blogs that I have been shamefully lurking about on... So here goes!
- Rian at Frebel-Art For all her delish eye candy on her blog and helpful tutorials in digital goodness! Anddddddddd OMG you have to check out her new website!! OMG!! Click on everything!! I am serious!! Oh so gorgeous!! You did an overwhelming (in a good way-a REALLY good way) fantabulishous (new word hee hee) job girl!!! YUM!
- Hope at Besottment also of Paper-Relics I swear, this gal gives art journaling a really good name!! Her art journals are so very inspiring and so fun to look at! I could look at her journals allllllllllll dayyyyyyyyyy loooooongg and never bore!!
- Joei at Joeiintokyo I just found this blog today and my my my!!! Such beautiful art and art journals! LOVE!!!
- Gaby at gaby-cajubrasil Such yumminess..and oodles of sharing going on!!!
- Winna at Winna's World...More yummy art journal goodness! Her pages are good enough to eat!!!
Thank you all, for such inspiring art, art journal goodness, lovely souls and sharing your world with us!!!
Now on to some art journaling I did this morning!!
(do not copy or download)
Materials used: Acrylic paints, rubberstamping/ink, vintage/image/painting from a vintage encyclopedia that I had picked up awhile back at an antique/junk shop in South Carolina and colored pencils.
I don't know about you, but I could get lost in those colors or eat the page! LOL
Today has flown by and I must go...make dinner before everyone here starves to death! heeee Think I will just throw together a nice casserole dish! It has been a very rainy day and it just sounds good! Maybe soup!
Much Love and Hugs!