Comic Book Alpha! YUM!
You can find it here:
So glad you could stop by!
I will be back very soon with more YUM!
Hugs & Kisseroonies!
Many Blessings
Word Art
Prim Papers to boot!
You can find it here:
In the shoppe, you can also find the printable version of this kit!
This kit comes with both JPG Printable Collage Sheets as well as digital PNG Collage Sheets!
Why both? Because I can! hee hee
I like choices!You too?! Yay! I am so glad!
Today, I hope you Sparkle, Shine & do ART!
Many Blessings,
Thanks for stopping by!
Most everything from my 'leftovers/scrap bin (teesha moore, anahata, magazine tid bits, personal stash etc etc etc.
As to catch up in the group, I am working backwards through the months journal prompts.
This one was for Sept. 2011 and the prompt given was: "what quote moves you in your everyday life?"
A favorite quote of mine...
"Remember, all the answers you need are inside of you; you only have to become quiet enough to hear them." ~ Debbie Ford
Almost forgot to share about the wonderful and newest edition of the DeviantScrap.com October Muse! So much yum to be found in this edition! Go check it out and grab one up for yourself! It's totally free for the taking! You deserve a treat! Find it HERE !!
Thank you for stopping by!
Gotta tell you, that this first kit (above) is the most amazing kit! Would you like to know why? Well, I am going to tell you! hee hee My Creative Team created all these funky people! Yup!
I supplied them with people parts and they took it to new levels of creativeness! Each funky person "Peep" has their very own personality! This is one gigantic kit! It's huge! Just for starters there are 30 Peeps!!
There is even parts for you to created your very own Peeps!
There are 5 previews to this kit-plus some fantastic art layouts from the team!
Check it out: http://www.deviantscrap.com/shop/product.php?productid=19081&cat=&page=
Yup! Still having issues with my links! I think what I need is to upgrade to Windows7. That is the easy part....finding a techy...not so much! I will find one!